Hand Surgery

Finger / Hand Lacerations


Sharp injuries to the hand, fingers and thumb are very common. Most are quite minor injuries, but it is important that these injuries are properly assessed and treated. There are many important structures, particularly tendons and nerves in the hand; if these structures are damaged, meticulous and expert repair is required.


I see hundreds of injured hands each year. In most cases it is possible to tell whether tendons, nerves or other important structures have been damaged by careful examination.


Sharp injuries where there is no suspicion of damage to important deep structures (tendons, nerves etc) require thorough cleaning to prevent infection and stitching. If there is concern about damage to deep structures surgical exploration of the wound is required. Surgical exploration of a wound is done either with local anaesthetic (injections to numb the area) or general anaesthetic. I am particularly skilled with local anaesthetic which will be administered as comfortably as possible.