I treat elite sportsmen from many sporting backgrounds. My patients include footballers, rugby players, cricketers, golfers, martial
arts players, boxers, racquet sport players, netball players, skiiers. Many of my patients participate at national and international
level. Elite sportsmen are prone to hand and wrist injury. The focus of treating elite sportsmen is to start treatment as soon as
possible after the injury, and get the injury better in the shortest possible time. My excellent hand therapy team are able to custom
make strong, lightweight splints to protect an injured or healing hand to allow a player to get back to their sport at the earliest
opportunity. My hand therapy team understand what type of splint will be allowed by the referee. My team will work closely with the
club or team physios to provide a tailored rehabilitation programme.
Elite sportsmen are highly motivated and with the best treatment will often exceed expectations of time to full recovery.